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Showing posts from November, 2016
ABAP Bugs and peculiarities Some of the design decisions in the ABAP language are a leap backwards when the intention was to leap at best sideways to thrust us into the meaningless paradigm of the now-defunct world of 4GL languages. ABAP is a horrible language on all counts. Syntax-wise and how it is implemented, but here are just some of the succinct little tidbits I have found and ways to try and circumvent them. 1. Divide by zero is OK! sometimes... So X / 0 in my opinion is never OK. When X != 0, the result is +-Infinity and for X = 0 the result is undefined. Both should result in an error. Well, for some reason ABAP decided 0 / 0 = 0. Without blinking an eyelid. Well done. To fix this, and create an exception in all cases of X and Y in expression X / Y, re-write it as: X / Y -> ( X * ( 1 / Y ) ) The same problem happens with modulus, however the solution is not as elegant: X mod Y -> ( ( 1 mod Y ) * 0 + X / Y ) ) 2. float parsing on older system ...