While resurrecting my old Amiga I found and salvaged some of my first programs from the ailing floppy discs.
A program written in 1991 for the Amiga 500.
I wrote my first hello world program in 1983, but really learnt how to program in 1984. But this was my first assembly language program. It took me about 2 weeks to learn Motorola 68000 Assembly and the tools needed to develop it. I wrote it for a friend who was designing, building and selling hardware for the Amiga at the time. It was a memory expansion cartridge that upgraded to 1MB CHIP internally (and perhaps also extra fast memory, can't recall). The program tested and reported any defective memory chips.
A photo of it (still) running:
And here is the source code... don't judge too harshly!
opt c+,d+
incdir "df0:include/"
include exec/exec.i
include exec/exec_lib.i
include libraries/dos.i
include libraries/dos_lib.i
lea dos_name(pc),a1
CALLEXEC OpenLibrary
tst.l d0
beq exit
move.l d0,_DOSBase
lea.l window_console(pc),a1
move.l a1,d1
move.l #MODE_NEWFILE,d2
tst.l d0
beq exit_closedos
move.l d0,filehandle
lea hello_message(pc),a0
jsr print
move.l #2048,Bufsize Size of Buffermem(Freeing memory)
move.l Bufsize,d0
move.l #MEMF_CHIP,d1
tst.l d0
beq nomem
move.l d0,Bufstart Start of buffer
move.l #0,Offset Current offset
getmem move.l #MEMF_PUBLIC!MEMF_LARGEST,d1
cmp.l #1024,d0
blt freemem
move.l d0,Memsize
lea alloc_mem(pc),a0
jsr print
move.l Memsize,d0
move.l #MEMF_PUBLIC,d1
tst.l d0
bne test
lea.l failed(pc),a0
jsr print
bra getmem
test move.l d0,Memstart
lea.l passed(pc),a0
jsr print
lea.l allocated(pc),a0
jsr print
move.l Memstart,a1
beq chipmem
lea.l fast(pc),a0
jsr print
bra endtype
chipmem lea.l chip(pc),a0
jsr print
endtype lea.l memory(pc),a0
jsr print
move.l Memstart,d6
jsr printhex
lea.l to(pc),a0
jsr print
move.l Memstart,d6
add.l Memsize,d6
jsr printhex
jsr cr
move.l Bufstart,a1
add.l Offset,a1
move.l Memstart,(a1)
add.l #4,a1
move.l Memsize,(a1)
add.l #8,Offset
move.l Memstart,d0
add.l Memsize,d0
move.l D0,Memend
lea.l pattern(pc),a0
move.l a0,PatternCount
move.l PatternCount,a0
move.w (a0),d5
jsr startloop
add.l #2,PatternCount
cmp.w #%1010101010101010,d5
bne NextPattern
jsr cr
move.l Offset,d0
cmp.l Bufsize,d0
beq fragment
bra getmem
move.l Memend,a2
move.l #0,d4
move.l Memstart,a1
loopw cmp.l #0,d4
bne nowri
jsr wri
nowri sub.l #1,d4
move.w d5,(a1)
add.l #2,a1
cmp.l a2,a1
blt loopw
move.l #0,d4
move.l Memstart,a1
loopr cmp.l #0,d4
bne noveri
jsr veri
noveri sub.l #1,d4
cmp.w (a1),d5
cmp.l #$80000,a1 take these out
bne noerror
jsr seterror
bra noerror
beq noerror
jsr seterror
noerror add.l #2,a1
cmp.l a2,a1
blt loopr
move.w #1,(a1) take this out
move.l a1,temp
lea.l founderror(pc),a0
jsr print
move.l temp,d6
jsr printhex
lea.l is(pc),a0
jsr print
move.l temp,a0
move.w (a0),d6
jsr printbin
jsr cr
cmp.l #$080000,temp
blt enderror
move.l temp,a0
move.w (a0),d6
eor.w d5,d6
cmp.l #$0fffff,temp
bgt next1
move.l #0,d2
jsr getbits
bra enderror
next1 cmp.l #$c00000,temp
blt enderror
cmp.l #$c7ffff,temp
bgt next2
move.l #4,d2
jsr getbits
bra enderror
next2 cmp.l #$cfffff,temp
bgt next3
move.l #8,d2
jsr getbits
bra enderror
next3 cmp.l #$d7ffff,temp
bgt enderror
move.l #12,d2
jsr getbits
move.l Memend,a2
move.l temp,a1
move.l #$10707,d4
move.l #16,d0
bitloop sub.l #1,d0
btst d0,d6
bne nosetbit
move.l d0,d1
divs #4,d1
add.l d2,d1
bset d1,RamChips
cmp.l #0,d0
bne bitloop
wri move.l a1,temp
lea.l writing(pc),a0
jsr print
move.l temp,d6
jsr printhex
lea.l pat(pc),a0
jsr print
move.w d5,d6
jsr printbin
move.l Memend,a2
move.l temp,a1
move.l #$10707,d4
veri move.l a1,temp
lea.l verifying(pc),a0
jsr print
move.l temp,d6
jsr printhex
lea.l pat(pc),a0
jsr print
move.l d5,d6
jsr printbin
move.l Memend,a2
move.l temp,a1
move.l #$10707,d4
print move.l a0,a1
loop2 cmp.b #0,(a1)
beq printit
add.l #1,a1
bra loop2
printit sub.l a0,a1
move.l a1,d3
move.l a0,d2
move.l filehandle,d1
CALLDOS Write print something
lea.l hexstart(pc),a0 d6-num to print
lea.l quickprint(pc),a4
move.b (a0),(a4)+
lea.l hex(pc),a0
move.l a0,hexnum
move.l #8,digit
loophex move.l d6,d1
move.l digit,d2
jsr shiftrighth
move.l d1,a0
add.l hexnum,a0
move.b (a0),(a4)+
move.l d6,d1
move.l digit,d2
jsr shiftrighth
move.l digit,d2
jsr shiftlefth
sub.l d1,d6
move.l digit,d2
sub.l #1,d2
move.l d2,digit
cmp.l #0,d2
bne loophex
move.b #0,(a4)
lea.l quickprint(pc),a0
jsr print
sub #1,d2
cmp #0,d2
beq ret
lsr.l d1
lsr.l d1
lsr.l d1
lsr.l d1
bra shiftrighth
sub #1,d2
cmp #0,d2
beq ret
lsl.l d1
lsl.l d1
lsl.l d1
lsl.l d1
bra shiftlefth
lea.l binstart(pc),a0 d6-num to print
lea.l quickprint(pc),a4
move.b (a0),(a4)+
lea.l hex(pc),a0
move.l a0,hexnum
move.l #16,digit
loopbin move.l d6,d1
move.l digit,d2
jsr shiftrightb
move.l d1,a0
add.l hexnum,a0
move.b (a0),(a4)+
move.l d6,d1
move.l digit,d2
jsr shiftrightb
move.l digit,d2
jsr shiftleftb
sub.l d1,d6
move.l digit,d2
sub.l #1,d2
move.l d2,digit
cmp.l #0,d2
bne loopbin
move.b #0,(a4)
lea.l quickprint(pc),a0
jsr print
sub #1,d2
cmp #0,d2
beq ret
lsr.w d1
bra shiftrightb
sub #1,d2
cmp #0,d2
beq ret
lsl.w d1
bra shiftleftb
bk lea back(pc),a0
move.l #1,d3
move.l a0,d2
move.l filehandle,d1
CALLDOS Write go to start of line
cr lea return(pc),a0
move.l #2,d3
move.l a0,d2
move.l filehandle,d1
CALLDOS Write print carige return
ret rts
lea fragment_message(pc),a0
jsr print
bra freemem
freemem cmp.l #0,Offset
beq cheers
add.l #-8,Offset
move.l Offset,a0
add.l Bufstart,a0
move.l (a0),a1
add.l #4,a0
move.l (a0),d0
bra freemem
nomem lea nomem_message(pc),a0
jsr print
bra exit_closewindow
cheers move.l Bufstart,a1 Free buffer memory
move.l Bufsize,d0
lea finished_message(pc),a0
jsr print
cmp.l #0,RamChips
beq noerrors
lea memerror_message(pc),a0
jsr print
move.l #0,count
endloop move.l count,d0
btst d0,RamChips
beq noset
lea chipnames(pc),a0
muls #5,d0
add.l d0,a0
jsr print
noset add.l #1,count
cmp.l #16,count
bne endloop
bra quit
lea nomemerror_message(pc),a0
jsr print
quit move.l #$FF,d1
move.l filehandle,d1
bra exit_closedos
move.l _DOSBase(pc),a1
CALLEXEC CloseLibrary
exit rts
_DOSBase dc.l 0
dos_name DOSNAME
hello_message dc.b 'Innovative Designs',$d,$a
dc.b '(c)1991 E&T Systems Development',$D,$A
dc.b 'Memory Test for 1MB CHIP RAM Expansion',$D,$A
dc.b 'Written by Marius van Wyk',$D,$A,0
alloc_mem dc.b $A,'Trying to allocate memory... ',0
passed dc.b 'done.',$0D,$0A,0
failed dc.b 'failed.',$0D,$0A,$0a,0
allocated dc.b 'Allocated ',0
chip dc.b 'CHIP',0
fast dc.b 'FAST',0
memory dc.b ' memory from ',0
to dc.b ' to ',0
founderror dc.b $d,$a,'Error found at address ',0
is dc.b ' : Pat. is ',0
nomem_message dc.b 'There is no memory available for Buffer!!!',$0D,$0A,0
memerror_message dc.b 'Errors found on RAM Chip(s): ',0
nomemerror_message dc.b 'No Errors found.',$0D,$0A,0
fragment_message dc.b 'Too many fragments: Buffer ovfl.',$0D,$0A,0
finished_message dc.b $A,'Memory test finished.',$0D,$0A,0
return dc.b $d,$a
back dc.b $d
writing dc.b $d,'Writing memory location ',0
verifying dc.b $d,'Verifying memory location ',0
pat dc.b ' ; Pattern ',0
RamChips dc.l 0
Memstart dc.l 0
Memsize dc.l 0
Memend dc.l 0
Bufstart dc.l 0
Bufsize dc.l 0
Offset dc.l 0
temp dc.l 0
count dc.l 0
PatternCount dc.l 0
ValueCount dc.l 0
hexnum dc.l 0
binnum dc.l 0
digit dc.l 0
pattern dc.w 00000000000000
dc.w %1111111111111111
dc.w 00000011111111
dc.w %1111111100000000
dc.w 00111100001111
dc.w %1111000011110000
dc.w 11001100110011
dc.w %1100110011001100
dc.w %0101010101010101
dc.w %1010101010101010
chipnames dc.b 'U11 ',0
dc.b 'U12 ',0
dc.b 'U13 ',0
dc.b 'U14 ',0
dc.b 'U15 ',0
dc.b 'U16 ',0
dc.b 'U17 ',0
dc.b 'U18 ',0
dc.b 'U19 ',0
dc.b 'U20 ',0
dc.b 'U21 ',0
dc.b 'U22 ',0
dc.b 'U23 ',0
dc.b 'U24 ',0
dc.b 'U25 ',0
dc.b 'U28 ',0
binstart dc.b '%',0
hexstart dc.b '$',0
hex dc.b '0123456789ABCDEF',0
window_console dc.b 'CON:0/0/640/200/Memory Tester',0
filehandle dc.l 0
quickprint dc.b '%1234567890123456',0